With the addition of 276 new files, all layouts for new 2023 product are complete. The full list of files this includes can be found on the Laser Files Change Log.
The digital workbook has been updated and is available at wholesale.prgrahamdunn.com/workbook. This provides a one-stop location to find product information, layout options, and to download photography/image assets for laser product.
Many of the new files make use of a few new fonts: Life Savers Bold, Lofty Goals, and Sacramento Regular. You will need to install these fonts to your computer before trying to use any files that reference them. The recommended way to update your fonts is to download only the new fonts from this ZIP archive, extract the three files from the archive, and right-click & select "Install for all users" on each of the three font files. You must close and reopen GravoStyle for changes to take effect (GravoStyle loads the list of fonts only once on program startup).
To get the new GravoStyle files you can either perform a regular file update, or use this ZIP archive to get just the new files.